Jakob Lorber was born on July 22, 1800 in Kanischa, southern Styria, today Slovenia.
In Graz he worked as a musician and music teacher. On March 15, 1840, sunk in his morning prayers, he heard, as if coming from his heart, an inner voice clearly
calling out to him, "Get up, take your stylus and write!" Lorber obeyed this mysterious call, took up the pen and wrote down word by word what was dictated to him inwardly. The first sentences
read: "Thus says the Lord for everyone, and this is true and faithful and certain: Whoever wants to speak with Me, he may come to Me and I will put the answer in his heart. However, only the pure
whose heart is full of humility shall hear the sound of My voice..."
Jacob Lorber humbly served this calling through the inner word as a "writing servant of God" until his death in 1864. In addition to various smaller works, 25
extensive volumes were produced during this time.
Book 11 see Leopold Engels
Book 11 see Leopold Engels